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Fitness With

Studio in Chalfont St Giles








About Me

A bit about me....

I am an enthusiastic and upbeat Personal Trainer based in Chalfont St Giles Buckinghamshire. Now that I am in my forties I understand the challenges of training as we grow older. Originally from Switzerland my little "je ne sais quoi" never fails to put my clients at ease.


I used to be a Private Butler working very long hours, I was super stressed, eating badly and always in a rush. When I turned forty I had my wake-up call and realised the effects of that stressful life had on my body. I started my own journey into a healthier "ME" and this is how I got inspired to become a Personal Trainer. I am still taking care of people but I don't serve them, I inspire them to be healthier and to take on their own journey.


I am a qualified and insured Level 3 Personal Trainer and I am also qualified in Exercise for Older Adults.


I can also travel to my client's most convenient location or deliver robust online fitness sessions.



My pledge is to train you and help you become a healthier YOU! Wether you take baby steps or giants leaps it doesn't matter..... only your final goal counts. 


Physical activities are paramount to any healthy lifestyle and understanding the science of exercising can dramatically improve the benefits of your workout.


Be aware! You might sweat a lot and swear a bit, but we are going to have fun. You will be surprised and proud of your own abilities, but ultimately, I want you to achieve long-lasting changes.




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My workout became so much more efficient with Francois' help. He made me understand that pushing myself for 45 minutes during our session was so much more efficient than the two hours I used to spend training by myself. 
                                                                             Stephanie, London

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I finally started having results when I began training with Francois. By making sure I was constantly working on my fat-burning heart rate, he put me on the right track. That way my body carried on burning calories long after the session ended.... what a bonus!

                                                             Amy, Windsor


100% Results


When preparing my client's programs, I like to introduce different methods of training so the session is efficient and dynamic. The training will challenge you but also bring fun to keep you motivated.


With my intense six weeks program and diet guidance you've never been so close to achieving your goal...... your commitment will do the rest.




  • Cardiovascular training

  • Muscles conditioning

  • Training for muscular strength

  • Fat burning, HITT and Tabata training



Do you feel powerless witnessing your body change before your eyes? Be reactive, be active and brush off the signs of ageing!

Are you willing to lose weight for your wedding or a holiday, has your doctor urged you to a drop few kilos?

Gallery & Videos


My Services

Happy Latin woman doing side plank exerc



State of the art equipment 

for virtual One-to-one Personal Training sessions. This safe but effective training method is an addictive alterative to Face to Face sessions. 

Ask for you free trial!

Alternatively keep an eye on our muscles conditioning group sessions.


Personal Training

Benefit from an efficient program tailored to your needs and your goal achievement. 

Enjoy private sessions at your home, garden or public space near you.

Mobile Training


Combines body weight, muscle conditioning and cardio training moves in your back garden. 

My Services

Hit Me Up Anytime


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Jordan Trent, Richmond

Francois has a very warm and friendly delivery style that helps you feel relaxed and at ease. He is also really creative with his programmes that makes working out fun whilst getting results. Would highly recommend!

David Clapp, Beaconsfield

I have been working with trainers for many years and Francois is simply fantastic. He is totally upbeat and really does know to get the best out of you. He has been helping me get back on track after recovering from an injury. Highly recommend!


Matthew, London

Francois is a great trainer who injects a lot of energy into his sessions. We work online twice a week, he pushes me hard and does not let me cheat... That's a great thing! 

En Français


Dans le passé, j'exerçais en qualité de majordome avec des journées bien remplies. Je ne comptais pas les heures qui s'accumulaient. J'étais un homme stressé qui mangeais mal et toujours en vitesse. Arrivé à la quarantaine, j'ai commencé à réaliser les effets de cette vie stressante sur mon physique et ma santé en général. C'est ainsi que j'ai adopté un style de vie plus sain et débuté une nouvelle orientation professionelle. 

Je suis devenu Personal Trainer. Je ne sers plus, mais suis toujours au service des autres en les inspirants à une vie plus saine et découvrir l'incroyable potentiel de notre corps humain.


Je suis aujourd'hui un Personal Trainer qualifié et également spécialisé dans l'exercice physique pour les personnes actives de plus de 60 ans.

Je me déplace pour visiter mes clients à l'endroit qui convient, que ce soit à domicile, lieu de travail ou en exterieur. (parcs publics).


En tant qu'ancien majordome et soignant, l'hygiène pour moi est primordiale. J'applique strictement les mesures règlementaires du Covid-19. Mon équipement est désinfecté après chaque client et je porte un masque durant mes sessions en espace clos. J'ai également déjà reçu mes deux injections du vaccin contre le Covid-19.

A mon sujet...

Mon engagement est de vous entraîner et de vous inspirer à une vie plus saine! A pas de fourmi ou à pas de géant peu importe ..... seul votre objectif final compte.

Les activités physiques sont essentielles à tout mode de vie saine mais la compréhension de la science derrière l'activité physique peut considérablement améliorer les avantages de votre entraînement.

En Français
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Avec l'aide de François, mon entraînement a enfin commencé à porter ses fruits. Il m'a fait comprendre que 45 minutes intensives valaient mieux que les 2 heures de gym sans réel objectif que j'avais l'habitude de faire.                                                                         


Stephanie, London

En s'assurant de me maintenir sur mon seuil de lipolyse (mode aérobie) François m'a mis sur la bonne voie. De cette façon mon corps continue de brûler des graisses même après la fin de notre session. 


Amy, Windsor

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